A Newbie State of Mind: Day 1 at TI:ME/TMEA

Usually when I attend a conference I’m sitting in every session known to man kind. Just hoping to pull all the information I can from every presenter I know. Today was a complete 180, I was on the presenting side..I was the one letting others in on what I know. I don’t know if it’s the way I grew up or what but I’ve always had the principal to “respect my elders” now, this covered from those who were just a year ahead of me to those who were 50 or more years ahead. I’ve always looked to those who have had more experience than I and have always put them first and have always thought “they know more about everything I already know”. I know what you’re thinking “Catie, shut up” but it’s honestly what I have sunk into my head. It’s a notion that I might have to get surgically removed because, it’s not based on how long you’ve been around, it’s WHAT YOU KNOW. If you have the experience and you have the knowledge, you are supposed to go for it.

I’ve been teaching 3 years, just 3 and have several years experience in computer support and I now can say I’ve been a clinician, and I’ve had the privilege to present and hang out with some of the top music educators in this business. It’s a blessing and I feel so amazing to get to know them and learn from them. It’s really so cool to have your work and your thoughts recognized too.

Today has been all about making new face to face connections with online friends, reconnecting with friends from last year’s conference, and trying to give good information on what I do to great people! What’s up for tomorrow? FUN and MORE LEARNING!


2 thoughts on “A Newbie State of Mind: Day 1 at TI:ME/TMEA

  1. Julia McCready says:

    I wish I could have been there for the whole thing!

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